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general officer 意味

"general officer"の例文


  • 本社幹部
  • general     general n. (1) 将, 将軍; 戦略家. 【動詞+】 The division has a new commanding
  • officer     officer n. 役人, 高官; 役員; 士官; (商船の)オフィサー, 航海士. 【動詞+】 commission an officer
  • general officer commanding    司令長官{しれい ちょうかん}
  • general staff officer    一般幕僚◆【略】GSO
  • officer attached to the general staff    参謀本部付き将校
  • officer attendant on the general    将官付きの士官{しかん}
  • officer     officer n. 役人, 高官; 役員; 士官; (商船の)オフィサー, 航海士. 【動詞+】 commission an officer 士官に権限を委託する; 将校に任官する The officers involved in the coup attempt were merely demoted. クーデターの企てにかかわった将校たちは降格されただけだった
  • a general    a general 一将 いっしょう
  • general    general n. (1) 将, 将軍; 戦略家. 【動詞+】 The division has a new commanding general. その師団は新しい司令官を迎えている put a new general in command 新しい将軍を司令官にする replace a commanding general 司令官を替える. 【
  • general will    一般意志{いっぱん いし}
  • in general    in general 一般に いっぱんに 一通り ひととおり 概ね おおむね 全て 総て 総べて 凡て すべて 一渡 一渉り ひとわたり 押し並べて おしなべて 大概 たいがい 全般に ぜんぱんに
  • the general will    the general will 一般意志 いっぱんいし
  • (ship's) officer    (ship's) officer 運転士 うんてんし
  • a revenue officer    a revenue officer 税務官 ぜいむかん
  • academy officer    士官学校{しかん がっこう}の将校{しょうこう}


  • you just killed a general officer , mister !
  • he was in a key position to determine the policies of shimazu ' s army as a general officer responsible for war strategies .
  • in 1867 in the late edo period , the edo bakufu ruined due to the taisei hokan conducted by the 15th seii taishogun , yoshinobu tokugawa , then through the mediation of tetsutaro yamaoka , the bloodless surrender of edo castle was decided at a meeting of takamori saigo , a general officer of the grand government general , and kaishu katsu , president of the tokugawa family ' s army .
  • the general officer of the imperial japanese army , kanji ishiwara said ' where all the human beings believe in the arahitogami , the civilization of the rule of right shows its real value for the first time . the last war , the final match between the rule of right and the rule of might is in fact a match between people who believe in the emperor and people who don ' t . so the war is to decide if the emperor becomes the emperor of the world or the western president becomes the leader of the world . this is the biggest event of all time in our history .'


  • officers in the Army or Air Force or Marines above the rank of colonel

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